Dan A. Collins, Senior Partner
Mr. Collins is Certified Specialist in Estate Planning and Probate Law. His practice is limited to estate planning and tax and personal planning for the preservation, control, and transfer of wealth.
University of South Carolina, B.A., English, 1967
University of South Carolina School of Law, J.D., 1975
Member of Society of Wig and Robe
Bar Admissions & Memberships
South Carolina Bar Association – member since 1975
Former Chairman of Estate Planning and Probate Law Specialization Advisory Board, Commission on Continuing Legal Education; Member of Probate and Trust Committee, South Carolina Bar Association
North Carolina Bar – member since 1998
American Bar Association – member Real Property, Probate, and Trusts Sections
American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC) – member since 1997
ACTEC is a national organization of approximately 2,600 lawyers elected to membership by demonstrating the highest level of integrity, commitment to the profession, competence and experience as trust and estate counselors.
WealthCounsel – member since 1998
WealthCounsel, LLC helps estate planning attorneys build and sustain successful practices as a membership-based organization featuring a collaborative network of more than 1,000 law firms and 1,600 practitioners throughout all 50 states.
e.Planners, Inc.© - Founding member
e.Planners is a select national group of tax and estate planning lawyers
A partial listing of Mr. Collins’ publications is detailed below:
WealthCounsel, Living Trusts Volume, Chapter 5, Begin with the End in Mind, Planning for Post Mortem Administration.
Co-author, Estate Planning in South Carolina, published by the South Carolina Bar, 2007
The Financial Guidepost, Protecting Your Assets…Before It Is Too Late; with Marc Merric, CPA, Attorney at Law, and Robert D. Gillen, Esq., Financial Planner, Winter 2003.
Worked with the design of WealthCounsel’s SettlementCounsel software system that was launched at the ABA Techshow in Chicago in June 2008. This software system is available to estate planning attorneys and provides a fully automated solution for settling estates. It is a high-tech approach to post-mortem planning and processes and is designed for use by legal support staff.
Author of “Advanced Underwriting Concepts: Leveraged Wealth Transfer with Asset Protection,” Journal of the American Society of CLU & ChFC, September 1996/Vol. L, No. 5
Co-Author of Postmortem Administration, Esperti-Peterson Institute, Denver, Colorado
Contributing Author of “Drafting the Living Trust” in Estate Planning in South Carolina, (Todd ed. 2002), published June 2002 by The South Carolina Bar-CLE Division
Public Speaking
Mr. Collins speaks nationally at various estate planning seminars.
Best Lawyers in America (2005-2017)
Reported Cases
Barker, Scott (1993), TC Memo 1993-280, RIA TC Memo 93280, 65 CCH TCM 3021; Matter of Will of Hall, 456 SE 2d 439
Julie M. Collins, Partner
Julie dedicates her practice to estate planning and post-mortem administration.
Bar Admissions & Memberships
South Carolina Bar - member since 2001
North Carolina Bar - member since 2000
United States District Court, District of Eastern North Carolina
Christian Legal Society
- Probate Estate Planning & Trust Section of the SC Bar
University of South Carolina, B.A., English, 1993
Campbell University School of Law, J.D., 2000
Renee L. Tedrick, Associate AttorneyRenee graduated from Georgia State University College of Law in 1994. Following a family relocation in 2003, she started her busy practice in Greenville, South Carolina, where she focused on estate planning, post mortem administration, guardianships and conservatorships for incapacitated adults. Renee joined Collins & Collins, PA in October 2019.
Bar Admissions & Memberships- Georgia Bar - member since 1994
- South Carolina Bar - member since 2003
- Member of the Probate Estate Planning & Trust Section of the SC Bar
- Greenville Estate Planning Study Group
- Greenville County Bar Association
- South Carolina Women Lawyers Association
Education- Georgia State University College of Law, J.D., 1994